On Thursday we noted a New York Times story of that date on Rep. Louise Slaughter . In the third paragraph of the original print and online versions, the Times noted that Slaughter "... had one of the worst attendance records in the House last year. . .”
By the next day, that line had magically vanished from the online version. (We'll post a screen shot of the original print article shortly. See Update below.)
Last October, back before Slaughter had a credible opponent, the New York Times observed also that Slaughter had one of the worst attendance records in the House. She was one of only 18 members to miss more than 10% of votes – meaning she missed more votes than about 95% of her House colleagues.
And last December the Buffalo News ran a story highlighting that Slaughter had missed, “. . . more than 2 1/2 times as many as the Buffalo area's three other House members missed combined.”
Just compare the Buffalo News story, which bore the headline, "In missed House votes, Slaughter tops area peers" , with the Rochester D&C's clumsy attempt over the weekend to camouflage Slaughter's neglect of her responsibilities. Jill Terreri's May 5th story on Slaughter's election prospects buried the attendance information, and then only reported the raw data, without context or comparison.
Contrast with the lead sentence in the Buffalo News report: "Rep. Louise M. Slaughter has missed 83 votes on the floor of the House this year -- more than 2 1/2 times as many as the Buffalo area's three other House members missed combined." Just as the D&C would report the story if Slaughter were a Republican.
The political censors at the
New York Times scrubbed their original online story, but not their Archive search. Search the NYT with the terms "slaughter attendance" and you get
this abstract (our screenshot), showing the original line, even though the link takes you to the scrubbed story.
Summary only...