I took a few days to think about how I wanted to explain my feelings about the President's comments from this past weekend. He essentially told all small business owners that they wouldn't be able to do what they do had it not been for Government investment and they should give more.
At first I was completely insulted and angry being a small business owner myself. But after thinking about it for a few days I have come to the realization that Obama just doesn't get it. He has never run a company, never created a company and has never held a private sector job. While he is out trying to paint Romney as the "out of touch with the middle class candidate" he fails to see that he is the one that is out of touch.
I would like to suggest a different take on this for him. Government is not able to do what it does without the job creators. Where does he think all of the tax revenues come from that allows Government to spend? The economy isn't creating enough jobs to even keep up with the normal population increases and new folks entering the job market, let alone re-employ all of those who have lost jobs over the past four years and now and he is talking about asking more from the folks that he demonizes.
Who is really out of touch with the middle class?
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I Am Building It
Posted by
Richard Tyson
5:56 PM
That's not what he said (I posted it in full in the last comment thread.)
As a small business owner, I realize that saying that my business wouldn't exist without all the services provided by the government is a simple statement of fact.
And, even your incorrect rendering of what Obama said is true in a lot of parts of Monroe County. Without COMIDA money, which is constantly touted by Republicans as well as Democrats in press releases, a lot of small businesses wouldn't exist.
Goverment cannot exist without tax payers funding it and we need to get a President that understands that notion. He continues to demonize those who he needs most. He has always been on the receiving end of tax payers and is out of touch.
"Government is not able to do what it does without the job creators."
Oh, the benificent gods that are the business owners. All hail us! We are your masters, we know what's best for you! Sometimes I think I should just go back to work in the corporate world just so I'm not associated with arrogant people like you.
"Where does he think all of the tax revenues come from that allows Government to spend?"
The people who work for a living, perhaps? Seeing as your typical business owner pays less in taxes as a percentage than the people who work for him, you're certainly not suggesting WE are generating all the revenue, are you?
"The economy isn't creating enough jobs to even keep up with the normal population increases and new folks entering the job market"
Well, this is a new spin on the unemployment thing...it's not that we're cutting jobs left and right to ensure we get that extra yacht, it's because there's too many people! Way to shift the blame.
"let alone re-employ all of those who have lost jobs over the past four years and now and he is talking about asking more from the folks that he demonizes."
Well, since you're incapable of giving back to the community that helped you start your business and now supports it so that you can be profitable then, yes, we'll have to take it from you. Me, I happily and gladly pay my taxes in gratitude of the multitude that got me where I am today: the public school teachers that educated me (and my employees!), the DPW workers who build the roads that get me and my employees to the office every day and my product out to my customers, the police that protect my business when someone tries to take from me, the water works that provides me with clean water to drink each day, the subsidized electric company that provides power to light our work, and so on and so on and so on. No man is an island, regardless of it he owns his own business or not.
I know you on the right disavow any personal or social responsibility, but don't piss on our backs and try to convince us it's raining. You want to be able to take and take and not give back? Nope, not happening anymore. And, the changes he wants to make are trivial compared to what taxes were in the past on us...you know, back when we actually DID create a lot of jobs and propelled this country to greatness.
Oh, and BTW, Obama never said you didn't build your own business. He said you didn't build the roads. So, all of this anger is your own fault for being unable to understand English.
It's great to finally see the true Barack Hussein Obama come out. His hostility toward achievers and achievement is astonishing and bewildering at the same time. What insightful information from America's first affirmative action president. Maybe he's speaking from personal experience since his college years are still shrouded in mystery, aside from a ditty about him being a pioneer in figuring out new and inventive ways to inhale marijuana smoke. He has given an incredible gift to Mitt Romney. We'll have to see what Mr. Romney does with it.
Well said Rich.
Rotten, as a small business owner, you need to realize that YOU (along with many other employers in this country) are why the roads and schools are built, not the government.
You shouldn't feel ashamed for doing so nor should you ever downplay your hard work and success.
Rich, when you pass 2nd grade reading comprehension, call me!
Hokay, how's this:
Government service, especially at the local level, whether it be elective or administrative, is a magnet for passive, non-entrepreneurial personalities.
The avgerage public service employee or elected representative or executive has never risked his or her own money in a self-started business enterprise that didn't involve some kind of government assistance or a favor owed for political affiliation.
When a true self-made entrepreneur tries to make the transition to government service (think Tom Golisano) they either get eaten alive due to their inability to accept the passive-agressiveness displayed by others around them from within the structure or they throw in the towel after a short burst of fame which ends-up appealing to less than 10% of a particular electorate.
Folks like the current sitting president would not know what a return on investment was from a net cash flow. They are inherently folks who can only spend other folks money, risking it in various forms of social good guises in hope that the taxpayers will forget the bad ones and praise the good ones without regard to a cost-benefit analysis.
Politics is the "art of promise" as well as "armwrestling for the rich." Do not expect a sitinng president to understand what a D.B.A. or a Schedule "C" means.
Infrastructure only exists in the first place because of the wealth created by those who take risks to expand markets and create new ones.
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