Judge Evelyn Frazee did not grant an injunction to prevent the city from evicting the encampment. Mayor Richards, we are waiting for our park back. Please make the correct decision soon and ask them to move along. Rochester is the last city in NY to have an "Occupation". I understand you want more people downtown but I hope that this is not what you are talking about.
The big question now is: Are the crows going to return?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The "Occupation" Can End
Posted by
Richard Tyson
6:33 PM
The only reason Rochester is the only city to have an Occupy is because Rochester is the only city in the state not actively working against the interests of its citizenry. I know you right-wingers hate America and the freedoms that come with it, but Freedom of Assembly is one of the most important freedoms we have as a method of redressing the issues we have with the government. All you've shown is we're the last city in the state to still respect the rights of individuals.
I'm sorry the occupation of a tiny, miserable, out of the way park is such a hassle to you. But, at least the freedoms they're trying to stand for will still extend to you...assuming the right doesn't take those away, too.
The reason that we were the last is that we have a Mayor with no backbone. A Mayor, by the way, that is one of the best representations that Rochester has of the "1%". I would like to know how patient the Mayor would have been if they were occupying the sidewalk in front of his home.
"But, at least the freedoms they're trying to stand for will still extend to you..."
The local Occupy movement did absolutely nothing to impact the my or this community's freedoms. It was a total waste of time and energy that could have been better spent actually helping people in need with volunteer efforts.
I'm not asking for the freedom to ruin a local park in our City by constructing a temporary shanty town.
It's just too bad Mayor Richards didn't have the stones or ability to shut it down himself. He had to hide behind the courts to help him.
The only reason "Occupy Rochester" lasted as long as it did is simply that nobody in power took it very seriously ( except the mayor who now is, who made the mistake of "negotiating" with it, giving it a "legitimacy" that the vast majority of Rochesterians did not ). There was no mass support for it one way or the other.
When the mayor who now is finally grew a set of cajones and told them they had to leave, a decision backed up in court, "Occupy Rochester" still hadn't made its goals popular except to the far Left, which is usually anti-everything.
Rochester was unimpressed because it IS apathetic, and once the immediate novelty of the "occupiers" camping in Washington Square Park wore off the city wanted some new entertainment to keep them amused for awhile.
The only reason "Occupy Rochester" lasted so long here is that the "occupiers" never made their goals apparent OR popular to the vast majority of Rochesterians. Most of Rochester was amused by a group of protesters camping out in the park during winter, but hardly supportive of them. The "occupiers" stayed on vainly trying to elicit some sort of response from the city ( they really could have used some effective leadership to do that ) which was never forthcoming. Finally, the mayor who now is grew a set of cajones and said the farce is over ( he might have done that from the start! ).
"Occupy Rochester" only lasted as long as it did because most Rochesterians were amused by a bunch of protesters camping in Washington Square Park in the dead of winter. Nothing more. "Occupy Rochester" never made its goals clear or popular to the vast majority of Rochesterians because it lacked effective leadership.
When the mayor who now is finally grew a set of cajones, he told the "occupiers" that they had to leave. He could have done that from the start once he realized the impotence of "Occupy Rochester."
In the long run, the mayor who now is looked like a wimp, and "Occupy Rochester" like a bunch of simps.
Better luck next time!
The first post was written by a complete idiot typical of leftists in a America today.Right Wingers hate America? Brillant.
I think the Mayor has some lingering guilt over the fact that he sold RG&E, which resulted in 700 of his co-workers getting thrown out on the street while he pocketed $10 million from the deal. If there were ever a Rochester-version of why the Occupy movement has some legitimacy, its personified in Tom Richards, Mr. 1 Percent himself. Everything ugly about American business practices is embodied in a guy who became rich off the misery of others.
When was there an occupy movement in Rochester?
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