North Korea attacks the South ... a tense run-up to Congress's lame-duck session ... a cliffhanger local Congressional election on the verge of resolution ... implications for special session of State Legislature ... controversy over airport body scanners ... there's a scout troop short a child, Krushchev's due at Idlewild -- and here's November 23rd's top headline in what passes for a newspaper in Rochester.
Quick -- somebody call the Pulitzer Committee!
Thanks to Balloon Juice for the link! Plenty of comments from readers sounding off about the wretched quality of Gannett.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well, Maybe If You're an Editor at the Democrat and Chronicle ...
Posted by
Steve Zodiac
11:03 AM
Steve, what's the "Krushchev" reference? Don't get it.
Philbrick, watch your TVLand for the Kruschev reference.
And for bonus points...who's the first to understand the "Idlewild" (only those under 50 are eligible)...
Ha! Through old age and lifelong immersion in low culture I finally stump our learned and erudite Philbrick.
A line from before your time, children, used here to express the the idea "there's a whole lotta stuff going on."
Check it out on YouTube.
Idlewild was the name of the airport now known as Laguardia. It was NYC's only large commercial airport until the construction of JFK, which is why Kruschev would have landed there.
Anonymous 12/5:
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Idlewild was the name of the airport currently named Kennedy. It was renamed in honor of President Kennedy after his assasination in 1963.
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