Thursday, November 25, 2010


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

City Tickets Drivers for NOT Running Red Lights

"You don't have to go through a red light to get a ticket for running one," gloats the Democrat and Chronicle today.

Even when you stop at the red light, if the nose of your car is past the white intersection line on the road -- the red light cameras get you.   Nothing to do with safety.   It's all about cashflow.   The City Council president let out the dirty secret:   not "We'll have safer streets," but "We're going to make a lot of money."

There's no way to rule innocent men.  . . . [W]hen there aren't enough criminals, one makes them.   One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.   Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens?   What's there in that for anyone?   But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted -- and you create a nation of law-breakers -- and then you cash in on guilt.

-- Ayn Rand,   Atlas Shrugged
Meanwhile, in the Free States, citizens vote down red light cameras.

Post-Mortem on Buerkle vs. Maffei

From The Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore:

Mr. Maffei got desperate in the final weeks of the campaign and used every trick in the liberal playbook to go after her.   The lines of attack included global warming, stem cell research, Social Security privatization and her Sarah Palin connections. None of it worked. . . . Mr. Maffei thought he would win because the Republican Party had moved "so far to the right."   In the end, Ms. Buerkle won because the Democrats had moved so far to the left.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Does Rochester Really Want You Here?

It seems as though this year has brought about a handful of changes that I don’t believe are helping the concept of getting people downtown or within the city limits.

Earlier this year we learned we were going to get Red Light cameras to "increase safety."   I have not heard a thing that indicates that safety has been assisted in any way, but I have seen headlines indicating the City is making a lot of cash from them.

Second, we heard that the Mortimer Street bus garage was going into an area that not seven years earlier we designated as retail/residential.


Leaving the Mess Behind

What a legacy Mayor Duffy leaves.

A new crime rate study ranks Rochester as one of the most dangerous cities in the nation.

A failing school system.

Killing the most promising City improvement in years, Renaissance Square, rather than having to share credit for it.   No matter how it might have improved the City or the quality of life for many of its residents.

Those are the kind of results you get in a non-competitive political environment.   Remember them in the weeks ahead, as the local press that has protected this Mayor for so long, laments the "loss" of his departure and praises the Golden Age of his leadership.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Buerkle in 1st Place at Finish of Vote Tally

With all votes now counted in the 25th Congressional District except for 240 challenged absentee ballots, mostly from Republican voters, Ann Marie Buerkle has finished first, 567 votes ahead of incumbent Democrat Dan Maffei.   Details at the Syracuse Post-Standard.

Maffei has lost unless he demands a manual recount of all ballots and the recount reverses Buerkle's winning margin.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pants on Fire

It really would be more efficient to note instances where the Democrat and Chronicle doesn't lie to the public, but the whopper on Wednesday's editorial page stands out even by the feeble standards of our newspaper in the form of a comic book.   (Or is it our comic book in the form of a newspaper?)

Editorializing in favor of back-room selection of the new Rochester Mayor, by way of the Special Election option that effectively cuts voters out of the loop, the editorial said:

" . . . no one's right to vote will be violated even though Democratic Party leaders will choose that party's candidate.   That's because other candidates can , and no doubt will, pass petitions to get on the ballot."
A classic example of the D&C seeking to deceive by selectively deploying the truth.

In a situation where whoever gets the Democratic line wins the election -- no matter how many other candidates "pass petitions to get on the ballot"   --   selection of the Democratic candidate is the election.

If voters are cut out from that part of it, as they would be in the Special Election scenario, they are cut out of the election.   Period.

And it won't make any difference who passes petitions to get on "The Rent Is 2 Damn High" party line or any other.   The Democrats can nominate a serial killer, and that person wins the election in the City.

Opting for the Special Election, in which party bosses pick the nominee behind closed doors, gives City voters no role other than choosing between a Democratic candidate not voted onto the ballot by them, or a meaningless small-party or Republican choice with no chance of winning whatsoever.   But the D&C editorialists don't bother talking about that part.

Shameless.   But Standard Operating Procedure at the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

Bye, Bye, New York

Americans are fleeing high tax, union-dominated states and settling in states with lower taxes, right-to-work laws and lower government spending.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Selecting the New Mayor

Thanks to WXXI Radio news, those of us who didn't attend Rochester City Council's kabuki dance last night know that members of the public who spoke in favor of a General Election next November outnumbered those favoring a Special Election by two to one.   Thirty-two speakers versus sixteen.

The General Election route would allow City voters to choose the Democratic nominee.   A Special Election means that Democratic power brokers would choose the nominee behind closed doors.

The Democrat and Chronicle, which favors behind-closed-doors selection for Mayor Duffy's replacement, reported today only that opinion was "divided:" "Noticeable divide for mayoral plan" its headline read.   You'd never have known the divide was 2 - 1 against the position favored by the D&C.

The Special Election favored by the newspaper and by Democratic officialdom would bypass a primary.   The Democratic Committee would choose the nominee.   Understandably, the Committee wants to pick the Mayor itself, without interference from those troublesome voters.

Remember that in 1993 the organization chose County Legislator Kevin Murray for Mayor.   Democratic voters upended that choice and picked Bill Johnson in the primary.   History repeated itself in 2005.   The Democratic organization designated City Councilman Wade Norwood .   Democratic primary voters chose Bob Duffy.

So last night, it was Democratic officialdom that supported the Special Election route, aided and abetted by Democratic fellow travelers like the Rochester Business Alliance led by Democratic shill Sandra Parker, and the "Faith Alliance."

City Council Member Carla Palumbo spoke bravely in favor of letting the voters have a say in the Democratic nomination, in this election in which winning the nomination is tantamount to winning the election, but she sounds like the proverbial voice crying in the wilderness.

It comes down to a vote of City Council and we think the Democratic Committee has enough muscle to get them to go along with the desired result and cut the voters out of the process.

All that would be left, then, would be to see if it's Tom Richards or Molly Clifford who has the most political chits to call in, to win the backing of the City Democratic Committee.

Slaughter Targeted by Surviving House Democrats

Returning Democratic members of Congress unhappy with Nancy Pelosi are targeting Enemy of the People Louise Slaughter, and other Pelosi cronies, in the process of choosing Democratic leadership positions.

Instead of allowing Pelosi to re-appoint Slaughter as ranking Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Democratic dissenters want that and other leadership positions decided by a vote of their caucus.

Politico has the story.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Update on Buerkle vs. Maffei Vote Count

As possible pathways to victory for incumbent Representative Dan Maffei dwindle, Maffei now appears to be targeting absentee ballots of senior citizens in Onandaga County, in order to suppress the vote for Ann Marie Buerkle.   Onandaga election officials begin counting absentees on Wednesday.

Friday's count of absentee votes in Monroe and Cayuga Counties increased Buerkle's lead to 729, with the count now at 100,314 for Buerkle to 99,585 for Maffei.

That's not counting the 270 Cayuga and Monroe votes challenged, mostly by Maffei.   As most are ballots from Republican, Conservative and Independence Party voters, it's likely most would go to Buerkle once allowed by the judge.

Wayne County counts absentee votes today.

The Buerkle campaign advises that, district-wide, Republican voters submitted 1,000 more ballots than registered Democrats.   In the largest county in the district, Onandaga, 500 more Republicans than Democrats votes by absentee ballot.

Ann Marie is in Washington today for the orientation for new members of Congress.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

W - H - Y - ?

The Question the D&C Won't Ask about Chief Moore's Ouster
Since our piece appeared on Monday, local broadcast media have begun to inquire about the reason for Mayor Duffy's summary dismissal of Rochester Police Chief David Moore.   We'll see if they press for answers.

Meanwhile, the Democrat and Chronicle just can't bring itself to confront the glaring central question:   WHY?   What's the real reason?

The paper's tepid editorial yesterday was about as tentative as you can get, focusing on procedure and timing, not the decision itself.   Not, "Why did the Mayor do it?," but "Why so abruptly?"   As if the big issue were one of mere presentation, with the focus on Chief Moore deserving a more dignified exit.   That he did, but acknowledging it doesn't address the core question.

As if they realized "We really have to say something," the paper's editorialists watered down their comment until it was bereft of substance.

Yet if it lacked substance it had purpose:   to come to Mayor Duffy's aid by whitewashing the episode.   To deflect attention to related, but collateral issues.   Communication.   Dignity.   Timing.

But no mention at all of the real timing question:   why right after the election, when it was clearly thought out before?   What was it about this incident that Duffy didn't want discussed before an election in which he was a candidate?

Not even a mention of any of the other questions that would occur immediately to a first-year journalism student.

"Duffy told this page that Moore 'was not fired or demoted'" said the D&C, parroting the Mayor's pallid defense without question or scrutiny.   The "transition" should have been "a lot smoother."

All just a matter of presentation, the D&C subtly tries to convince us, from describing the act in the passive voice -- "So why was the move made so abruptly?" instead of "So why did the Mayor move so abruptly?" -- to its use of the dishonest euphemism "transition."   Nothing to see here folks.   Just move along, now.

All of which highlights the core question even more starkly:
WHY did the Mayor dump Chief Moore?

Beware the Lame Duck Session!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can Maffei Steal What He Couldn't Win?

As grief counselors make the long march through Democratic staff offices in the U.S. Capitol, ethics counselors appear needed in upstate New York.   Democratic tricksters are fanning out across the 25th Congressional District, where Republican Ann Marie Buerkle holds a 684 machine vote lead over incumbent Democrat Dan Maffei.

With absentee ballots yet to be counted, someone is contacting absentee ballot voters in the 25th District, asking for whom they voted, and it's not the Buerkle campaign.   Ann Marie released this statement yesterday:

It has recently come to my attention that there are efforts underway in Upstate New York to contact individuals who cast absentee ballots in the 25th Congressional District and inquire how they may have voted in the recent election. It is regrettable that this action is underway prior to those absentee votes being tabulated by county election officials. While the reasons for this effort are unclear, many agree it could be an attempt by some to identify who each person voted for in an effort to disqualify certain eligible ballots from being counted. I would like the public to know that my campaign is not connected to this current effort. Further, no American – in Upstate New York or anywhere – is in anyway under obligation to provide information to anyone on how he or she voted in any election, including my own.
Maffei has filed legal proceedings against the four county boards of elections claiming "voting irregularities" that no one saw on election day, but that materialized all of a sudden once Maffei found himself losing.   It appears the strategy is to obstruct the absentee vote count with a goal of disenfranchising Buerkle voters.

Help Ann Marie fight back!   Contribute to her Postelection Fund to support her effort in the anticipated recount.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Conservative Party Takes Back Row C

11/9/2010 Update - Answers to Quiz below!
With the third-highest vote total by party in the gubernatorial election, the Conservative Party of New York has retaken Row C on election ballots in the state.   It had held Row C -- the first line after the two major parties -- from the 1960's until about 10 years ago, when the Independence Party displaced it by Tom Golisano's third-place finish for Governor on the Independence line.

Interestingly, it's possible that the Independence Party, now just a sad and pointless remnant of Golisano's vanity races for governor, may have slipped to Row E, with the union-front "Working Families" party outpolling it to take Row D.

Position on the New York ballot is determined by vote total by party in the most recent election for governor.


1. Who was the candidate for Governor who put the Conservative Party on Row C for the first time?

2. What was the name of the party the Conservatives bumped from Row C that year?

3. What was the year?

4. Bonus Question: What was the famous name of the candidate whose party was bounced from Row C to Row D?
No Googling!   This is a test of your chops as a hardened political junkie.   Answers tomorrow.

Update - 11/9/2010

1. Who was the candidate for Governor who put the Conservative Party on Row C for the first time?
Paul Adams, professor of history at Roberts Wesleyan College
2. What was the name of the party the Conservatives bumped from Row C that year?
The Liberal Party
3. What was the year?
4. Bonus Question: What was the famous name of the candidate whose party was bounced from Row C to Row D?
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.
Congratulations to our winner, whose prize is Philbrick's voice on his home answering machine!

What's the Real Reason?

.. . . for dumping the Chief of Police?
So two days after the election, Mayor Duffy essentially fires Police Chief David Moore and replaces him effective today.   That's the Mayor Duffy who in seven weeks won't be Mayor any longer.   He assures us it has nothing to do with "wrongdoing," even though nobody asked that question (and in the cocoon of media protection in which Duffy lives political life, no one will).

Here's how Rochester suffers from not having a quality daily newspaper.   And from local broadcast media that won't step up to fill the gap.

Why is no one questioning the timing of the abrupt police chief switch-out?   That it was done right after the election and clearly planned beforehand?

Why wouldn't an outgoing Mayor leave a fundamental change in a key City department to his successor?   To the Mayor who will be working with the police chief?

Is it because the new Mayor's already been chosen, and the process wired for him or her -- and that new Mayor-to-be is on board with the change?

What's the real reason?   Was there a problem?   Was it a concession to the police union in negotiations going on with the City?

Why now?

Yet with no explanation and suspect timing, local media give the episode a free pass, never asking, "What's really going on?"   If a Republican County Executive made an analagous move under the same circumstances, there'd be a full-blown media investigation.

Instead, there's no one other than we citizen bloggers to ask, "What's going on behind closed doors at City Hall?"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Buerkle Postelection Fund

Help Ann Marie Buerkle get fair treatment in the absentee and military ballot vote count by supporting her postelection fund.

With Buerkle about 700 votes ahead with the full machine count in, national Democrats have already dispatched lawyers from D.C., and incumbent Dan Maffei is soliciting dollars for an even bigger attorney armada.

Support Ann Marie!

Analysis of how Ann Marie pulled it off appeared in today's Syracuse Post-Standard.   Winning Monroe County, it says, was key.

In other New York election news, in Congressional District 1 (eastern Long Island) Republican Randy Altschuler has pulled ahead of incumbent Democrat Tim Bishop by 392 votes.   As with the Buerkle-Maffei race, it now comes down to the absentee and military ballots.

He's Gonna Catch Dat Scwewy Wabbit

Sore winner Barney Frank gave an election night harangue that a 30-year Frank supporter calls a "road rage acceptance speech," commenting that he benefits from a double standard:   "No female politician could last five minutes as such a condescending, abusive bully."

"He seemed . . . outraged that he had to run a race at all.”   This and further comment on what sounded more like an angry concession speech at Gay Patriot.

Looks like Frank's role in creating the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mess will be investigated by the new Congress.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Friday, November 5, 2010

New York's Middle Class Outmigration

That has produced a vicious circle in which the very wealthy, the urban poor, and the public-sector unions who define the Democratic coalition create a high-taxing, heavily regulated polity that drives business and the upwardly mobile to the exits.

. . . [L]ikely to compete for center stage in the next two years:   the split between, on one side, California and New York   -—   two states, deeply in debt, whose wealthy are beneficiaries of the global economy   -—   and, on the other, the solvent states of the American interior that will be asked to bail them out.   This geographic division will also pit the heartland’s middle class and working class against the well-to-do of New York and California and their political allies in the public-sector unions.
Read the whole thing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


... to newly-elected State Assembly Member Harry Bronson.

And while we're on the subject ...

Give and Take

The election bumps Enemy of the People Louise Slaughter from the Chair of the House Rules Committee.

But with the defeat of the detestable Alan Grayson, Representative from Florida, Slaughter takes back her old spot as the most loathsome Member of Congress.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To the Editors of the Democrat and Chronicle

Re:   Alesi vs. Wilmot

Eat your hearts out.

Especially after your cheap trick yesterday.

Le jour de gloire est arrivé!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Johns Beats Koon in Votes Cast Today

According to Board of Elections, with all districts reporting, Mark Johns beats David Koon 51-49.   Will absentee ballots make the difference?

Johns vs. Koon

With only 3 precincts not yet reporting, Johns holding 51 - 49 lead over Koon.

Some Local Returns - 9:58pm

With more than half of districts in:

Mark Johns ahead of David Koon!   51 to 49%

Hanna ahead of Nachbar; 56% to 43%

Alesi ahead of Wilmot; 53% to 47% (about 60% of precincts reporting)

County Court Judge:   Piampiano and DiNolfo winning. Argento a hair's breadth ahead of Wolford.

Family Court Judge:   Gallagher over Jackson; 60% to 40%

Today We Respond to the Hate: VOTE

Tea Time Revisited

For eighteen months, liberal commentators, press organs and academics have been struggling to do two things.   The first is to explain the Tea Party phenomenon without undermining the fundamental assumptions that inform the liberal worldview.

The second is related.   Unable to explain the Tea Party movement without calling into question their underlying liberal political philosophy, yet recognizing it as an existential threat, liberals have sought to marginalize and vilify it.

Hence, the ever changing explanations and disparagings.   First they dismissed it as trivial and tried to ignore it.   As the movement grew, it was just "astroturf," not a real grassroots movement.   Then they called Tea Partiers "uncivil."   The same people who considered the antics of Code Pink a virtue during the Bush years suddenly found it uncivil to ask your Congressman if he had read a bill before voting on it.

From The Real Tea Party -- published April 18, 2010
Tea party activists ... it turns out, are more educated than the average American, more reflective of mainstream anxieties than any populist movement in memory, and more closely aligned philosophically with the wider electorate than any big-city newsroom in America.
Like we told you.

Read the whole thing.

From Lincoln Was Wrong -- published April 15, 2010

All elements of the Liberal Archipelago, from the media to the universities to the political class, have talked themselves into believing the Tea Party movement is just a few fringe complainers.   Just something "astroturfed" by Sarah Palin or the Republican Party.   They repeat it over and over, maybe hoping if they do, that will make it so.

They're clueless.   As the oldest resident of Mustard Street, let me tell you.   The last time I remember the Liberal-Media Complex so far out of touch with what's going on in the country was during the year before Reagan was elected in 1980.   They never saw it coming, and never believed it could happen.

Then it happened.

Tea Time -- published April 16, 2009

The extraordinary feature of yesterday's Tea Party protests across the country is not the impressive number of participants, but that they happened at all.

Political rallies and street protests traditionally have been the province of the Left.   People in the ordinary mainstream of life and conservatively-minded people are too polite, too reticent, too time-strapped.   Lacking, for the most part, the ideological fervor to overcome inhibitions like self-consciousness, or concern over what the Boss might think.

A conservative friend of humorist P.J. O'Rourke asked "why don't our people do this," as they passed by a streetcorner group of left-wing protesters.

"Our people have jobs," P.J. explained.

That Americans were willing to turn out yesterday in the numbers they did, to protest taxes and government spending, demonstrates a broad and deep feeling across the country.

Whether it will be productively channeled, resulting in policy reform, we will learn in the years ahead.   That it might be is clearly troubling the Left.  They understand, better than anyone, that street organizing and protests are very much outside of the culture of the conservative and the moderate.

The Left understands the import of what it saw yesterday.   Look at the more extreme of the local and national Left-oriented websites and how they tried yesterday, in anticipation, to dismiss and belittle the tea parties.   These efforts carry a whiff of "whistling past the graveyard."   If they really thought the tea parties were meaningless, they'd ignore them rather than give them more publicity by denouncing them in advance, as they have.

The nervousness of the Left is showing.

Tea, anyone?


Monday, November 1, 2010

Soft Landing for Wolford

It appears that Monroe County Democrats are skittish about the chances of appointed-Judge Kelly Wolford in tomorrow's election.

Wolford worked for the District Attorney's office before her appointment.   From inside the DA's office we learn that District Attorney Mike "Nifong" Green has kept Wolford's old position open for her, in case voters give her the thumbs down tomorrow, as political observers expect.


Police Complaint Against Assemblyman

Just in ...

We're told that over the weekend a complaint was filed with police against a sitting Democratic Assemblyman, having to do with an altercation with a campaign worker.

If anyone has additional information, please contact Mustard Street at the e-mail address shown in the right-hand column and at the bottom of this page.

One More Day