All Joey, All the TimeSunday marked the second conspicuous appearance, in recent weeks, of a Democrat and Chronicle's opinion piece co-authored by Assemblyman, Democratic Chairman, and next year's Democratic Candidate for County Executive, Joe Morelle. This follows a story in the same week of a new business locating here, with Morelle's smiling face in the story.
We've noted before that if there were a year in which even an entrenched Albany hack like Joe Morelle could lose a bid for re-election, this is the year. We've made note of the Assemblyman's notably close relationship with the Democrat and Chronicle. The paper now seems to be pulling out all the stops to give its favorite son free public face time equivalent to tens of thousands in paid advertising.
The paper has shown no hesitation before in heavy-duty pimping for its preferred candidates in contested elections. Its editors must share our -- and Morelle's -- sense of political risk to him this year.
David Gantt and David Koon are both incumbent Democratic Assemblymen running for re-election, but somehow we haven't been treated to a minor torrent of creative writing in the editorial page, or photos accompany various pieces of happy-news, as we have for Shelly Silver's number one errand-boy in Rochester.
Back when the fare on The History Channel consisted mostly of World War II documentaries, wags dubbed it, "The Hitler Channel -- All Adolph, All the Time."
The D&C now has openly adopted the same approach for its choice for County Exec. next year. We're going to have fun keeping track.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Morelle Channel
Posted by
10:06 AM
The Democrat & Chronicle loves Morelle and will do whatever they can to help him politically this year. I'll bet he's already sent them the endorsement article for them to write on him. I can see it now... "Throw all the incumbents out except Joe Morelle and David Gantt. We really don't have a good reason why, we're just told to always protect them and write positive stuff on these guys."
Perhaps he is decent guy who loves what he does? Go figure!
Does anyone know if the rumors that Morelle is stepping down as Democratic party leader are true?
Anonymous 2 --
We have no basis for saying he's not a decent guy who loves what he does.
He's getting himself the kind of exposure that a smart politician seeks to get who wants to be re-elected, to continue doing what he does. No issue with that.
Our issue is with a newspaper, that claims objectivity, being in an obviously collusive relationship with a politician in a competitive race.
Also an issue with the "what he does" part of "loving what he does."
What he does for nearly 20 years, despite his window dressing and fakery this year and last about the interests of taxpayers and controlling state spending, is to be as dependable a vote as there is in Albany for more spending, higher taxes, and more power to the Albany special interests that drive both.
That's "what he does" and we have no argument with your point that, having done it for 19 years, he loves it indeed.
Anonymous 3 --
Don't think he'll step down as Dem Chairman. That helps him within his party in his run for County Executive next year.
I don't think he'll have such an easy run this year. I don't know this Mark Scudari but with a conservative movement afoot I think he has a shot. It would be the kiss of death for Joe to take the Working Families union line, even though I dont think they'll even offer it to him this year, and with Scudari having the Republican, Conservative and hopefully Independent Party line, I think this'll be a real race. Heck Morelle could very well lose this year. How awesome would that be!!!
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