Friday, November 2, 2007

Exploiting the Homeless?

From a correspondent in Penfield:

Going to and from work I see homeless people holding up Democratic campaign signs on street corners in Pittsford and East Rochester this week.   Why would they use homeless people for this?
Beats us.  Has anyone else seen this?

It could lead to a nasty escalation.   Republicans might counter with The Dispossessed.   Democrats then up the ante with The Disenfranchised.   Republicans respond with The Underserved.  And so on.


Rottenchester said...

How does your correspondent know that those holding up signs were homeless? Did they hold two signs: "Will Work for Food" and "Elect Ted Nixon"?

This doesn't even pass the laugh test.

Philbrick said...

We asked the same question in a return e-mail and will post response when we get it. It seems very odd.

Unknown said...

I'm guessing this post is an attempt at a joke?

But, just in case it's not, I would like the readers to know that I was one of the volunteers holding up signs and I can assure you that I am neither homeless nor exploited. I personally know just about every volunteer that was there and none are homeless and we were certainly happy to be there and participating.

Andrea DiGiorgio

Anonymous said...

I'm Ted Nixon's Volunteer Coordinator. Your anonymous correspondent's joke about our volunteers doing visibility in East Rochester and Pittsford is actually a big help. Apparently, we look a little scruffy. So, in the next email, I'll remind everyone to polish up a bit. (It's amazing how many of the supposed exploited homeless have computers and email in this campaign.) ;-)
Monica Gilligan

Anonymous said...

I'm Ted Nixon's Co-campaign manager and I am not aware of anyone among us doing visibility who is homeless. We may be unemployed or under-employed, but most of us leave our jobs to go directly to campaign events such as street-side visibility.

I can assure your readers that everyone doing visibility is happy to do so and volunteers willinging. No one is exploited.

I also want to thank you for at least noticing the efforts of Nixon campaign voluteers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mustardstreet, thought I'd respond here directly. I never stopped and asked anyone if they are homeless. I should have said it looked like a bunch of homeless people, but I didnt ask. A woman at work who saw it said the same thing. It just looked that way.

Philbrick said...

A couple of comments of our own.

1. Rick, we're not happy with the negative connotations of the idea that homeless people "look" a certain way. Someone without a place to live has enough problems already without anybody else piling on. If you are moved to comment when crossing the path of an actual homeless person, your comment should be to that person, and it should be: "Can I help you?"

2. If you really mistook the street-corner group as you described, we guess that's your perception. If on the other hand this was your arch way of insulting some people, we're equally unhappy about that.

3. Google gives us sufficient political credentials for commenters Digiorgio, Gilligan and Janowski to convince us that their campaign affiliations and activities are undoubtedly as they say. Since they were there, they know whereof they speak.

4. We posted the original item because it was so unusual and "out there" and wanted to know if anyone else could tell us about this. Thanks to the commenters for responding.

5. This posting ranks with our confident, ironclad prediction back in April that David Koon would be Democratic candidate for county executive.