Friday, December 28, 2012

When Guns are Outlawed . . .

So it turns out that William Spengler, the Webster murderer, was subject to gun control.

Convicted as a felon for killing his grandmother with a hammer (watch this page for our call for hammer control), Spengler was legally barred from owning firearms.

Yep, just ban guns and the killings go away.


Rottenchester said...

When a drunk driver who had his license revoked kills someone while driving, our response is to look for more laws and restrictions, such as ignition lockouts with a breathalyzer.

When someone kills using an illegally acquired gun, the response that we hear is to throw up our hands and give up.

What makes guns so special?

Andreas Rau said...

Ahhh, but guns AREN'T banned.

Steve Zodiac said...

Andreas, the point is that for William Spengler, guns were banned. And he got hold of them anyway.

Rottenchester, cars aren't a constitutionally protected right. Guns are.

Rottenchester said...

Steve, limits on gun ownership (registration of hand guns, no machine guns, etc.) are long-accepted as constitutional. There was a (too limited) assault weapon ban in effect for 10 years and it wasn't ruled unconstitutional. I'm sure we can regulate guns for our safety, so this "I give up" attitude on gun safety regulation, which I hear from a lot of people, doesn't make sense, because they accept that a lot of other dangerous things, like driving, can be regulated, albeit imperfectly.

Anonymous said...

Rotten, when Spengler was convicted of a crime he was banned from ever being able to posses a gun.

From your comment about DWIs, your point is well taken.

Passing laws will never stop crimes from happening. Nor from bad people doing bad things.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Doorley's office wants to crucify this young girl. Yet it was the DA's office who gave Spengler a deal. Stop with the Deals Doorley. The ADA's only want cases that are a sure thing. What did they go to law school for then????