Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Battle Between Brooks and Slaughter

Seems to me that if Slaughter is so confident that she is the right person for the job, and she is confident that the polls that show her ahead are true, why is she going negative already? Slaughter, who I have interviewed during her last race while on the Board of Contributors at the D&C, struck me as out of touch and not understanding of issues facing folks from my generation. (Or most generations for that matter) She is an advocate for huge government and has yet to find a progressive idea that she doesn’t want to double down on. In her desperation to be politically relevant and to continue that $180k + income coming in she is going to try and use tactics that were less than successful for local Democrats before. Or, maybe, this is the year that Democrats don’t bother touting their own achievements and just try to say “that guy/gal is worse”. Obama certainly isn’t running on his record.


Anonymous said...

I saw Slaughter at an event this weekend. She looked terrible and was "out of it" almost incoherent. I can see why she is refusing to do so many debates.

Anonymous said...

Those ads which helped remind people of Maggie's negatives is a large part of the reason Louise is up 10 points and not just 4 or 5. The poll was in the field while that negative ad was hitting voters. Slaughters first ad was a positive piece if you remember.

Anonymous said...

The negative ad is a part of the reason that Louise is up 10 points as opposed to 4 or 5. That ad was being viewed by voters the same time the poll was being conducted. Two of Slaughters three ads are positive ads about her.

Anonymous said...

What do you have to say about the similar Sean Hanna campaign Rich?

Anonymous said...

Richard, she is trying to drive Maggie's negatives up, and the strategy appears to be working, based on the numbers.

The bigger surprise here is the lethargic nature of Maggie's campaign so far. It's as if Sally Field "they like me" is running her campaign. She has all of the gusto that Bob Dole and John McCain had, and we saw how it worked out for them.

She seems to feel she can skate through the campaign, feeling the aura of "Maggie" is enough to carry her. I've got news for her. It won't work. She'll lose this election by 12 to 15 points, based on the way it is going now.

Slaughter is the one with the "aura" and Brooks has failed to recognize that she needed to go negative first, in a big way, to start driving Slaugher's negatives up. At this point, it's too late for this to dig in, because any attack will be lost in the cacophany of multiple campaigns going on, and voters will just tune it all out.

In my estimation, this is the most dismal Congressional race I have ever seen. Neither candidate deserves to be elected. I think my dog could do a better job than either of these women. He sure as heck would be a lot cheaper to employ.

Richard Tyson said...

Slaughters negative ad called "inaccurate" and "overstated" by Fair Election Practices Committee. Not only is Slaughter the first to go negative but she does so in poor taste. This is what desperation looks like.

Anonymous said...

Censorship is alive and well at Mustard Street.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put too much value on polls. Lat year's polls had Bill Taylor beating that dork Doorley. And we all know what happened to him. Sad.

Anonymous said...

The poll isn't a campaign one which are much more detailed and accurate. This race is most likely alot closer which is why Slaughter went negative so fast. he positive ad was a joke, slapped together with some duct tape and bubble gum.

Louise will stat negative as long as Brooks is within striking distance. She's a Washington insider but I don't think she's really controlling her own race.

We hear more from her campaign spokesperson that we do from her.

Anonymous said...

Diana Palotas did indeed leave the DA's office. You called that one. Doorley's honcho is now Director of Communications.

Anonymous said...

With Louise Slaughter's recent antics, she is really starting to sound DESPERATE. She should go out with grace and dignity if at all possible.