Just three weeks ago, as candidate for District Attorney, Sandra Doorley promised voters she'd keep politics out of the DA's office.
Today, as the very first action for her new administration, Doorley fired five veteran prosecutors who were either Republicans or were friendly toward her opponent in the election, Bill Taylor. Among them they had nearly 50 years of experience.
At least this action keeps one promise: to carry on the tradition of outgoing DA Mike Green. Green infamously prostituted his office to politics, buying a federal judgeship with political prosecutions of two innocent men, James Smith and Andrew Moore. Both prosecutions were laughed out of court, one by a judge, the other by a jury. But they gave a complicit daily newspaper the pretext for headlines Democrats needed before the 2009 elections.
Green's successor keeps the tradition very much alive and today christens the new administration with the same rancid stench of corruption as the old one.
Anyone with more information about today's purge is invited to contact us at: